Kilkenny have only met neighbours Carlow once in the hurling championship. That was in 1993 when Kilkenny won 5-19 to 16 points. Kilkenny have met Lancashire more times – twice(1905, 1913) .
Film star George Clooney’s great-great-grandfather was baptised Nicholas Clooney in Windgap church, Kilkenny, on July 23, 1829.
The last witch in Ireland, reputedly Dame Alice Kyteler, was born in Kilkenny in 1280. Widowed four times, she was accused of poisoning all of her husbands. Although her former home was burned down, you can now dine at Kyteler’s Inn on the site of the house
On learning that Bishop Kearney was buried in a tomb within St Canice’s Cathedral;
“I have to admit it was very exciting and it was great to finally prove conclusively that Barack Obama’s sixth generation grand uncle was the Bishop of Ossory who died in Kilkenny city at the Bishop’s Palace in 1813. It is now the headquarters of the Heritage Council."
Local Academic Gabriel Murray
The architect who built the White House in Washington, D.C., James Hoban, was raised on the Earl of Desart’s estate in Cuffesgrange, near Callan in Co. Kilkenny.
In 1922, the Butler family - namely Lord and Lady Ossory - were residents of the castle. The Irish Civil war, raged around them. Lord Ossory memorably wrote that he was woken at the "unreasonable hour of 5.30am" by his butler, who brought the news that Republican forces had seized and occupied his castle.