Hurls and spuds at the ready for Savour race

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The potatoes will be cold, but the competition will be hot: A ‘hurl and spud’ race will take place at the Castle Park on Saturday, October 25 at 2pm as part of the Savour Kilkenny Food Festival.

Young and old are being encouraged to pay €5 and enter the event, which will have many Kilkenny sporting legends participating. Participants will have to complete the 1km circuit while balancing a spud on a hurl.

Savour committee chairperson Ger Mullally said the event is a new addition to the festival programme and aims to raise significant funding for the work being done by Cois Nore Cancer Support centre.

“The festival is inviting everyone to join in on the fun with some of Kilkenny’s Inter-county hurlers for the first ever ‘Spud and Hurl Race’,” he said.

“Come and see if you’ve got what it takes to conquer the cream of the cats, and take the crown for “Savour Kilkenny King of The Spud 2014”.

Trish Duffe, board member at Cois Nore and event organiser, has urged the people of Kilkenny to get behind the event.

Tickets for the ‘Spud n Hurl race’ are on sale at the Kilkenny Cancer Support Shop on John Street, and on the morning of the event, at Savour Kilkenny on the Parade.

Race participants are being asked to bring along their own hurl and a spud will be supplied. Anyone who drops their spud may pick them up and continue in the race to the finish line, but anyone with ‘rigged’ spuds will be disqualified on sight.

For more information on the hurl and spud event, see

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